“No More Words” hits and out comes the charismatic enigma, Jeff Hardy. Jeff comes out wearing an eye patch and like always, receives a huge ovation. Jeff grabs a microphone.
Jeff shows everyone a footage of his eye “injury” from last week’s tag team main event claiming that he was in extreme pain. “But you know what hurt me the most? It’s that after the match, CM Punk never took the time to come find me and see if I was okay. It’s almost as if he thinks I’m making this whole eye injury up. Unlike CM Punk, I do not make up injuries. Unlike CM Punk, I do not kick referees in the back. AND, unlike CM Punk, I do not forfeit matches. So Punk, believe when I say, my eye injury is just as serious as yours!”
Jeff removes his eye patch and looks directly into the camera.
Kane’s pyro emerges and out comes the big red machine for our first match of the evening.
Match 1: Jeff Hardy v. Kane
Match starts off with both men exchanging a couple of punches until Jeff throws Kane out of the ring. Jeff proceeds to connect with a plancha, but moments after getting back in the ring, Kane catches Jeff with a throat thrust. Following a 2 count, Kane throws Jeff onto the ropes and kicks the charismatic enigma directly in the temple which knocks him onto the outside.
Back, Kane is still in control as he strikes Jeff in the face with a low dropkick. Kane then applies what JR called a modified bear-hug. Not long after however, Jeff reverses this submission hold into a jaw breaker. Jeff then dropkicks Kane in the patella and gets a 2 count. As both men get back up, Kane suddenly lifts Jeff onto his shoulder and punishes him with a gut-buster. After yet another 2 count, Kane hurls Jeff into the steel post. With Jeff’s ribs against the steel post, Kane then baseball slide’s into Jeff, running the wind right out of Jeff’s body. Moments later, Kane sets up Jeff in the corner and punches him several times before connecting with a backbreaker. Kane then uses his legs to apply a body-scissors, but Jeff pounds Kane’s knee cap to break the hold. Jeff then mule kicks Kane and attempts to charge at the Big Red Machine, but Kane grabs Jeff and slams him down with a side walk slam. At this point, Kane goes up to the top rope, but Jeff cuts him off. With Kane down, Jeff dropkicks Kane in the corner. Kane starts to crawl on his knees and Jeff gives Kane a DDT. After a 2 count, Jeff goes up to the top rope for a double axe handle, but Kane grabs Jeff by the throat. As Kane lifts Jeff up for the chokeslam, Jeff slides away and runs up another turnbuckle and connects with Whisper in the Wind. 1…2…NO! Kane kicks out! Jeff signals for Twist of Fate and connects with it. Jeff then takes his shirt off and decides to go up for the Swanton Bomb. Just before Jeff leaps off the ropes, CM Punk’s music hits and he comes out onto the stage area. Jeff looks at him, but in the mean time, Kane recovers and grabs Jeff by the throat for a super-chokeslam off the top rope. Kane then pins Jeff for the win.
A Night of Champions promo airs highlighting the triple threat match for the WWE Championship.
WWE Did You Know? More males (under 65) watched SmackDown last week than any show on any network
We return with Cryme Time’s Word Up segment. Eve comes in and says that today’s word is “Bromance,” meaning a close relationship or man-crush between two bros to such a point where they start to seem like a couple. They provide examples of Barney and Fred from the Flinstones as well as Zac Efron and Leonardo Dicaprio. But most importantly, they add The Hart Dynasty as examples of Bromance. Jesse then pops up out of nowhere and tries to act like a “G,” but ultimately is tricked by Eve and locked inside of a cage.
Further backstage, GM Theodore Long and John Morrison were talking about going karaoke sometimes. There was a loud thud from a closet nearby. Morrison then reminded Long about his challenge to the winner of CM Punk/Jeff Hardy at Night of Champions. Long said the idea is still under consideration and that Morrison should get ready for his match with Dolph Ziggler for later on tonight. GM Long left the room and Dolph Ziggler came out of the closet sweating. Morrison insulted him and left the room as well. Maria then came out of the closet and wished Ziggler luck before tapping Ziggler on his rear end.
Dolph Ziggler made his way down to the ring. Todd Grisham mentioned that Ziggler now has 3 consecutive victories.
The Friday Night Delight, John Morrison, made his way to a good ovation from the crowd.
Match 2: Dolph Ziggler v. John Morrison
Bell rings and Morrison quickly takes Ziggler off his feet with a headlock takedown. Ziggler manages to reach the ropes with his feet and the referee calls for Morrison to release the hold. Morrison heeds the referee’s order, but Ziggler gets back up and gets a cheap shot on Morrison. Ziggler then tries to build momentum, but Morrison catches him with a reverse back elbow shot that sends Ziggler to the outside. As Ziggler stands up, Morrison connects with what JR called a spinning plancha crossbody. Morrison then sends Ziggler back into the ring and attempts a springboard shot, but Ziggler quickly chopped the leg of Morrison. Following a 2 count, Ziggler connected on his signature multiple elbow drops. Ziggler then tries for a sleeper hold and just when Morrison tries to break free, Ziggler is successful in connecting with a back drop. After yet another 2 count, Ziggler rubs Morrison’s face into the mat before applying a full nelson hold. Morrison quickly drops down and strikes Ziggler with a pele kick. Morrison then starts to build momentum as he takes Ziggler down with a few clotheslines and eventually a running knee to the face. After a near fall, Morrison sends Ziggler to the corner and charges at him, but Ziggler dodges it and connects with a modified gordbuster. 1…2…NO! Morrison kicks out. Ziggler then Irish Whips Morrison to the corner and charges at him, but Morrison flees to the outside and kicks Ziggler in his abdominal area. Morrison quickly climbs the turnbuckle and strikes Ziggler with a missile dropkick. As Ziggler slowly makes it back to his feet, Morrison charges at him, but Ziggler grabs him in position for a sidewalk slam, but Morrison spins his way out of the maneuver and in position for a DDT, but Ziggler somehow manages to sneak behind Morrison, grab the tights and roll up Morrison for the win.
Post-Match: Ziggler quickly escapes onto the outside and celebrates his win up the ramp as Morrion tries to explain to the referee that Ziggler had the tights.
Still to Come: Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio for the Intercontinental Championship.
The lovely Melina & Eve Torres made their ways down to the ring.
Their opponents are Layla and the current WWE Women’s Champion, Michelle McCool.
Match 3: Melina & Eve Torres v. Michelle McCool & Layla
Eve and Layla start things out. To start things off, Eve quickly takes Layla down with a fireman’s carry. As Layla makes it back to her feet, Eve connects with a nice shoulder-block followed by a baseball slide that sends Layla crashing onto the outside floor. Eve then goes to the outside and brings Layla back in the ring where the referee checks up on her. In the mean time, McCool kicks Eve in the back of the head. McCool then gets back on the apron and tags herself into the match. She locked in a figure four head lock. Eve fought out and hit a bulldog. Double hot tags had Melina squashing Layla. McCool hit Melina from behind while the ref was distracted. Layla picked her up in a backbreaker move. Melina slipped out and hit McCool. She dodged and Layla ran into McCool. Melina rolled up Layla for the win.
Post-Match: As Melina started celebrating, McCool attacked Melina from behind. The fight spilled onto the outside where Melina ultimately clotheslined McCool over the barricade.
Back, Jeff Hardy came out to do commentary for the next bout.
CM Punk’s music hit and out came the World Heavyweight Champion. Punk grabbed a microphone.
“Are you proud of yourself Jeff? I could’ve been seriously injured last week. And you got a lot of nerve faking an eye injury and leaving me in the ring to fend for myself especially considering you’re the one who injured my eye in the first place. As far as what you said earlier about me making the whole thing up, coming out here with your cute eye patch mocking me, I want to show you something Jeff.”
Punk pulls out a little eye medicine.
“This is Polymyxin B Sulfate. I have to apply this to my eye 3 times a day. The only way you obtain this is with a prescription, from a doctor. Now, I know you know a thing or two about prescription medication, but what I don’t think you realize is that you got to go to a doctor to legally obtain some. Unlike you Jeff, this is the only foreign substance I’ll allow in my body. So if you want to imitate me, why don’t you try to live a clean lifestyle? Why don’t you try living a Straightedge lifestyle? Jeff, you’ve got two strikes. You know how many I have? Zero. Jeff you know how many times I’ve been suspended? Zero. You know how many times I’ve been to a rehab facility? That’s right, zero. And do you know what your chances are of beating me at Night of Champions? Zero.”
The Great Khali then came out, accompanied to the ring with Ranjin Singh.
Match 4: CM Punk v. Great Khali
Bell rings and Punk teases a few low kicks. Khali quickly grabs Punk and clotheslines the World Champion. Khali then corners Punk and slaps Punk across the chest. Khali then attempts a leg drop, but Punk moves out of the way and gives Khali a dropkick in the face. Punk then connects with a springboard clothesline, but gets a 2 count. Punk then kicks Khali a few times and connects with the knee lift. Punk then backs off and charges at the giant, but Khali catches Punk with a reverse back elbow. Khali then signals for the Punjabi Plunge and yes, Khali connects with it. At this time, pyro’s go off and Kane makes his way down to the ring with a chair. This match ends in a no contest.
Post-Match: As Kane enters the ring with his chair, Ranjin Singh grabs a chair from ringside and tosses it to Khali. Kane strikes Khali with the chair first and when he tries to do it again, Khali punches the chair out of his hands. Khali then swings his chair and smashed Kane over the back. Kane quickly leaves the ring and heads back up the ramp.
Back, Shad and JTG make their ways down to the ring. Their opponents are the Hart Dynasty.
Match 5: Cryme Time v. Hart Dynasty
Kidd and JTG start things out. After an early lockup, JTG manages to sweep the leg of Kidd before connecting with a flying leg drop. JTG then knocks Smith off the apron before sending Kidd out of the ring. Natalya causes a distraction which allows Kidd to smash JTG into the announce table. Smith is tagged in and he connects with a swinging neckbreaker for a 2 count. Smith then punched JTG in the head and connected with a standing vertical suplex. Following yet another 2 count, JTG rolled onto the apron. Smith charged at him, but JTG rolled away and tagged in Shad. Shad took Smith down with a shoulder-block before connecting with a modified facebuster. Shad then tried for a sweep, but Kidd intervened. Shad quickly took Kidd out, but from behind, Smith rolled up Shad. Unfortunately for Smith, JTG broke up the count. Natalya then got up on the apron and JTG went after her. In the mean time, Smith and Kidd connected on HiLo for the win.
Post-Match: JTG attended to Shad as the Hart Dynasty celebrated up the ramp.
The RAW Rebound aired.
One-half of the Unified Tag Team Champions, Chris Jericho, made his way down to the ring. Jericho grabbed a microphone and simply stated that tonight he will cement his legendary status after he won tonight.
Rey Mysterio then made his way down to the ring.
Justin Roberts set up the ring introductions.
Match # 6 :Intercontinental Championship
Chris Jericho v. Rey Mysterio
After a lockup, Jericho grabbed Mysterio for a headlock. Rey shoved Jericho off, but Jericho came running back with a powerful shoulder-block. Moments later, Rey punched out of power bomb attempt, but Jericho tossed him to the floor. Rey rolled through and popped up. Jericho slid out and Rey back in. Rey hit a mule kick when Jericho tried to get in. Rey went out and rolled Jericho back in the ring and ran the ropes. He jumped up, but Jericho reversed into a back breaker. Rey fought out and charged at Jericho. Jericho tossed him, but Rey landed on the apron. Jericho whipped him on the apron, sending him into the post on to the floor. The announcers wondered if Mysterio could somehow win this match.
Back, Jericho was in firm control as he connected with a baseball slide onto Mysterio. Jericho then applied a chin lock until Mysterio was able to strike his way out of the hold with an enzigiri. He leapt at Jericho, but he reversed into a spinning torture rack for two. Jericho slapped Rey’s head and choked him on the ropes. He hit a snapmare and went back to the chin lock. Rey fought out an hit a springboard cross body for two. He hit a wheelbarrow into a bulldog for two. The crowd chanted 619. Rey tried to reverse a whip into a hurricanranna, but Jericho sat down and locked in Walls of Jericho. Rey powered up and rolled over into a Sunset flip. Jericho sat down for two. Rey reversed for two. Jericho reversed again for two. Rey hit a hurricanranna to setup 619. Jericho slipped away and Rey took a nasty looking spill to the floor after getting tangled in the ropes on the missed 619. The two then slowly struggled to make it back to their feet as we headed for the final break of the evening.
Moments after returning, Jericho caught Mysterio in the corner with a clothesline. Jericho hit several punches and then chocked Rey with his foot. Rey tried to fight back, but Jericho lifted him for a unique spinning neckbreaker move thingy. You had to see it. Jericho locked in a modified crucifix to rest. Rey escaped and hit a rollup for two. He went for a springboard moonsault and Jericho grabbed him. He tied Mysterio in the Tree of Woe and went for a spear. Mysterio sat up and Jericho hit the post. Rey worked quick offense. He hit a mule kick and a springboard splash for two. He tried for a hurricanranna, but Jericho flipped him forward on his face for two. Both men sold being exhausted. Jericho hit a bulldog. Jericho went for the Lionsault, but Rey moved. Jericho landed on his feet and reversed another hurricanranna into the Walls of Jericho Rey made the ropes and stood on the apron. Jericho tried a baseball slide but Rey jumped over him. He hit a springboard moonsault on the floor. Rey rolled Jericho into the ring and came off the top. Jericho reversed into a Codebreaker. 1…2…NO!. Mysterio kicked out! Slowly, Jericho lifted Mysterio caught Jericho with a drop toe hold followed by a drop kick. With Jericho on the ropes, Mysterio hit the 619 and connected with a springboard splash to retain his gold!
Post-Match: As Mysterio started to celebrate, Edge came into the ring and tried to Spear Rey, but Mysterio dodged it and fleed onto the outside. From the back, out came Dolph Ziggler, who clubbed Mysterio in the back of the head before tossing Mysterio back into the ring. Edge then connected with the Spear and lifted Mysterio up for Jericho to connect with the Codebreaker. Ziggler then entered the ring and connected with his signature reverse STO to a chord of boos from the live crowd.
Quick Match Results:
-Match 1: Kane def. Jeff Hardy
-Match 2: Dolph Ziggler def. John Morrison
-Match 3: Melina & Eve Torres def. Michelle McCool & Layla
-Match 4: CM Punk vs. Great Khali ended in a No-Contest
-Match 5: Hart Dynasty def. Cryme Time
-Main Event: Rey Mysterio def. Chris Jericho (Intercontinental Championship)
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