“Last week CM Punk came on this show and made a shocking revelation,” Jeff says. He then shows everyone a footage from last week when Punk ran down Jeff Hardy’s background, including the part where Punk claimed that Jeff Hardy had a zero percent chance of winning the World Heavyweight Championship at Night of Champions. “See Punk you just don’t get it, you keep bringing up my mistakes like I’m trying to hide behind something, but let me straighten something out. Everybody makes mistakes, I’ve made mistakes…I’ve been suspended twice, I admit that. But I haven’t failed a test in over a year and I have never been to rehab, I’ve always healed myself, and at Night of Champions, I will beat CM Punk!”
Punk’s music hits and out comes the World Heavyweight Champion. He too grabs a microphone.
Punk apologizes that things have come to this, people actually cheering that Jeff hasn’t failed a drug test in over a year. “This is not an accomplishment,” Punk adds and then pauses. “Maybe it’s an accomplishment to you Jeff so congratulations, you didn’t fail a drug test in 365 days, we can start writing your Hall of Fame speech right now.”
Jeff says that he is tired of hearing the same thing week after week after week.
Punk responds by saying that it’s the same thing week after week after week because he never listens. “And those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. You ever hear of that school? Oh, probably not, because you were a screw then too. How many exams did you fail? How many classes did you skip? How many times were you expelled?”
Jeff cut Punk off and said Punk is not a wrestler, he is Jeff’s guidance counselor.
Punk responds by saying that he is not Jeff’s counselor, but maybe Jeff should start wishing that he was, because he could’ve set Jeff straight. “You wouldn’t be in this path that your on. Jeff just look at yourself. You’re a joke. You come out here and admit that you’ve failed two drug tests and then you brag about never having gone to rehab? Who do you think you are?”
Jeff says that he knows that he is the next World Heavyweight Champion.
Punk calls Jeff a dreamer. “A year from now, I will still be champion. What about you? Your going to fall back into the same vicious cycle, you’ll lose to me and fall back into your vices, repeat so on so forth.”
Jeff sarcastically apologizes for not being perfect like Punk.
Punk responds by saying that maybe he should try to be perfect because all of the little kids wearing Jeff Hardy T-Shirts are going to have to watch their hero be just another statistic.
At this point, Jeff has had enough. He clotheslines Punk out of the ring.
Punk, who still has a microphone, says that he will be the bigger man tonight by not fighting because he has a match next. “But nothing is going to stop me from tearing you apart at Night of Champions!”
The two stare each other down as we cut to break…
WWE Slam of the Week: Last Month John Morrison defeated CM Punk. Punk then hit the GTS on Morrison following the match.
Back, CM Punk is in the ring, ready for his match.
The Friday Night Delight, John Morrison, then makes his way down to the ring.
Match 1: CM Punk v. John Morrison
Following an early lockup, Morrison applies a wristlock, but Punk manages to back Morrison into the corner to break the hold. The two stare at each other and Morrison shoves Punk back. Punk retaliates with a headlock takedown, but Morrison reverses his way out of the hold and applies a headlock of his own. After another series of reversals, Punk catches Morrison with an elbow to the face. Moments later, Punk applies a modified tarantula on the ropes followed by a flying crossbody. As both men make it back to their feet, Morrison quickly strikes Punk with a dropkick. Morrison then judo flips Punk and proceeds to clothesline Punk out of the ring. Morrison tries for a dropkick, but Punk grabs Morrison’s leg and slams him down onto the floor rather roughly.
Back, Punk is in control as he has a bodyscissors applied. Not long after, Morrison punches Punk in the face to break out of the hold. As Punk makes it back to his feet, Morrison charges at him, but Punk flips Morrison onto the mat. Punk then connects with a belly to belly suplex on Morrison and gets a 2 count. Punk then decides for another bodyscissors and after some time, Morrison catches Punk with an elbow to the face. Both men then are slowly to make it back to their feet. Morrison quickly clotheslines Punk and connects with a jumping back kick to the face. Morrison then strikes Punk in the face with his knee, but gets a 2 count. At this point, Morrison places Punk on the top ropes and tries for a hurricanrana, but as both men come down, Punk reverses it into a sunset flip and gets a 2 count as Morrison slips out of the near-fall. As Morrison tries to get up, Punk grabs Morrison and connects with a double under-hook backbreaker. Punk covers, 1…2…No! Morrison kicks out. Shortly thereafter, the two exchange a few kicks before eventually taking each other down with a double clothesline. The referee starts his 10 count, but at 6, Punk charges at Morrison, who is in the corner, in hopes of the knee lift, but Morrison dodges it and connects with his springboard kick to the face. After another 2 count, Morrison attempts Starship Pain, but Punk gets up and places Morrison on top of his shoulders for GTS. Morrison hits Punk with an elbow and tries for a sunset flip, but Punk reverses it into a near fall of his own. Moments later, Morrison attempts to leap over Punk, but Punk throws Morrison overboard. Punk then quickly cradles Morrison up, but Morrison manages to keep Punk’s shoulders onto the mat for the 3 count.
Post-Match: Punk cannot believe what happened. Morrison offers a handshake, but Punk refuses and rolls out of the ring and heads back up the ramp with his title in hand. We then get replays of the match as Morrison celebrates his victory.
A video aired promoting the Allied Powers: The World’s Greatest Tag Teams DVD.
Still to Come: Rey Mysterio & Jeff Hardy vs. Chris Jericho & Dolph Ziggler
Layla, who is dressed up in as a Miami Heat Cheerleader, makes her way down to the ring. JR mentions that she was a former cheerleader for the team. Layla says that since she’s back in the “M-I-A,” she would like to dance.
Layla dances until Rick Ortiz’s music hits. Ortiz makes his way down to the ring and throws some of his towels into the audience.
Ortiz insults the Miami Heat and says that these people need some inspiration. Ortiz tells the people to Rally Up and then offers Layla a towel. Layla throws it to the ground and walks back up the ramp.
It’s now Cryme Times Word Up segment. Today’s word is “Championized,” meaning to engross oneself at a champion level, whereas a person becomes a champion in all aspects. They introduce NFC Champion, from the Arizona Cardinals, Antrel Rolle. Rolle introduces himself to Cryme Time and Layla when Jesse walks in. Jesse gets into a brief argument with Rolle until Cryme Time puts Jesse into a mailing basket and sends him off until he crashes into a wall.
Up Next: R-Truth vs. Kane
Back from commercial, Kane made his ring entrance. A video showed the Khali/Kane incident from last week. R-Truth made his lame ass entrance.
Match # 2 : Kane vs R-Truth
Kane started out in control. He worked the monster move set. In a terrible looking set of moves, Kane tossed Truth over the top. I think he was supposed to land on the apron, but he fell. Then Kane tried to kick him over the top rope, even though he wasn’t really there, and got tied up. Truth hit a heel kick to send Kane to the floor. Kane looked like he wanted to skin the cat for a second, but he let go. Truth hit a dropkick through the ropes and both men recovered into commercial.
Back at 5:38, Truth had a headlock on, but Kane hit a belly to back suplex. Truth spilt ducked a clothesline and hit a heel kick that Kane no sold. Kane caught R-Truth and hit a sidewalk slam for two. Kane hit a hard whip to the corner for two and locked in a lying bearhug. Kane rolled him to the floor and Truth reversed a lift into a clothesline that caused Kane to hit the post. Truth went to attack, but Kane regained control.
Kane whipped Truth to the corner and locked in a standing bearhug. Truth slid out and Kane lifted him a la a Punjabi Plunge, but Truth pushed away and hit a dropkick. Truth worked offense and hit a swinging DDT for two. Truth went to the top and Kane hit a big boot when he came off for the win. Holy crap that looked like it hurt.
Post match Khali and Ranjin Singh came out. Kane called him into the ring. Khali walked to the ring. Kane turned around and Truth hit a missile dropkick. Khali climbed in the ring and Kane fled through the crowd. Khali and Ranjin Singh celebrated in the ring…The announce team hyped the main event and the Edge interview.
Back from commercial, the new Pretty Ricky video aired.
The Hart Dynasty made their ring entrance.
Back from commercial, Cryme Tyme and Eve made their ring entrance. A video showed Cyme Tyme beating the Harts last night on Superstars…
Match # 3.The Hart Dynasty vs Cryme Tyme and Eve Torres
The ladies started. Natalya scored a takedown and Eve scored an elbow. Natalya tagged in Kidd and Shad came in. He destroyed Kidd and tagged in JTG. He slammed JTG on Kidd in the corner and JTG covered for two. Kidd tied up JTG in the ropes and tagged in Smith. Smith hit a slam and tagged in Kidd. They hit a double gutbuster for two and Kidd locked in a sitting abdominal stretch. JTG hit a hip toss to escape and tagged in Eve.
Natalya caught Eve when she jumped and hit a slam. Eve took control out of nowhere and hit a cartwheel moonsault. Smith came in to break up the pin attempt and Cryme Tyme cleaned house. Eve was distracted by all this and Natalya hit a hangman hotshot followed by a twisting clothesline for the win
Backstage, Ziggler was shown doing pushups. Maria walked up and kissed his arm and told him to be careful…The announce team hyped the Edge interview for next.
Back from commercial, Edge was on for his interview via satellite. They asked him about his physical and mental health. Edge said he had always worked to overcome injuries, but this one could be career ending. He said he learned that an Achilles tear is the most difficult injury to recover from. He said he was going to do everything he could to come back. They asked him about Jericho’s comments. Edge started to speak and Jericho’s music hit.
He came to the ring and Jericho called him pathetic. Jericho crushed him and called him out for not being there to defend the titles. Jericho said Edge’s titles came from politicking and being in the right place at the right time. Jericho said all of his titles had been earned. He said the only thing impressive about Edge is his injury list. He called him frail and weak. Jericho pointed out he had never been injured. Jericho continued to trash Edge and put himself over.
Edge’s tape started early and he told Jericho that he didn’t need anyone, especially Jericho, to come out there and punk him. He said he would use that as motivation. Edge said if he came back…no when he came back, he would prove Jericho and everyone else wrong.
Back from commercial, Jericho was in the ring and Dolpsh Ziggler made his entrance. A video showed the end of the Jericho/Mysterio match last week. Jeff made his entrance next, followed by Rey. Before the ref could ring the bell, CM Punk’s music hit and he came to sit in on commentary…
Match # 4 . Chris Jericho and Dolph Ziggler vs Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio
Hardy and Jericho started out. Jericho won the shoulder tackle challenge, but Jeff hit a drop kick and worked on Jericho. He hit his mule kick for two. Jericho tossed Hardy over the top, but he landed on the apron. Jericho hit his springboard dropkick to send Jeff to the floor. Rey checked on Hardy who recovered into the break.
Back at 5:02, Jericho and Ziggler double teamed Jeff. Ziggler covered for two and hit a big elbow before locking in a reverse chin lock. Punk didn’t want to answer questions from the announce team, he said he was scouting. Jericho tagged back in and hit a weird looking clothesline to Hardy. He followed with a fist drop for two. Hardy escaped a lift and hit a clothesline. He got the hot tag to Mysterio.
Mysterio worked his fast offense on Jericho. He hit a hurricanranna and took out Ziggler with a punch. Jericho hit a sunset flip, but Rey rolled through and popped up to kick Jericho in the face for two. Rey hit a hurricanranna and set Jericho up for 619. Ziggler got a blind tag. Rey hit 619, but when he went for the West Coast Pop, Ziggler pulled him off to the floor. Rey hit the retaining wall. Ziggler got him in the ring and covered for two. He locked in a headlock.
Rey fought out, but Ziggler whipped him face first into the corner for two. He whipped Rey again, but Rey kicked up and hurricanrannaed (is that a word?) Ziggler into the post. Double hot tags and Jeff worked on Jericho. Jericho tried for a bulldog, but Jeff escaped and hit a Whisper in the Wind. He tried for a hurricanranna, but Jericho tried to reverse for Walls of Jericho. Hardy escaped and hit the Twist of Fate followed by the Swanton Bomb. Ziggler broke the count.
Mysterio dropkicked Ziggler to the floor. All four men went to the floor. Hardy tossed Jericho at Punk who moved. Hardy turned his back and Punk tossed Jericho into Hardy who hit the steps, causing the ref to call for the bell. Rey confronted Punk, but Ziggler hit a dropkick and followed up with his finisher on the floor. Jericho put Hardy back in the ring and hit a Codebreaker. Jericho locked in Walls of Jericho and Punk just watched. Punk walked away and Jericho finally broke the hold. Hardy rolled around in the ring to end the show…
Quick Match Results:
-Match 1: John Morrison def. CM Punk
-Match 2: Kane def. R-Truth
-Match 3: Hart Dynasty def. Cryme Time & Eve Torres
-Main Event: Jeff Hardy & Rey Mysterio def. Chris Jericho & Dolph Ziggler
Source LordsofPain.net