~Ted DiBiase, Sr. opens the show with accompaniment from Cody Rhodes and his son. DiBiase orders a Night of Champions match; Edge and Chris Jericho will defend the Unified Tag Championship against Rhodes and DiBiase, Jr. He also announces Rhodes vs. Mark Henry and Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase, Jr.
~Edge and Jericho defeated the Colons in a non-title match after taking both champions' finishers--the referee was occupied with Primo as this was going on. Carlito went heel, turning on Primo after the match.
~Gail Kim and Mickie James defeated Maryse and Alicia Fox.
~In a segment with DiBiase, Sr. and Rhodes, Rhodes fails to talk his way out of his upcoming match. DiBiase, Sr. also cuts a promo on Dusty Rhodes.
~Mark Henry defeated Cody Rhodes by count-out.
~Randy Orton defeated Ted DiBiase with his RKO.
~A VIP Lounge segment with MVP and Jack Swagger planted the seeds for a feud between the two.
~Ted DiBiase, Jr. and Ted DiBiase, Sr. argued in a segment, with the younger DiBiase upset about having been put in the match with Orton.
~Evan Bourne defeated Kofi Kingston in a non-title match. Big Show attacked both of them after the bout.
~Triple H and John Cena fought to a no-contest when DiBiase, Jr. and Rhodes attacked both of them. DiBiase, Sr. ordered a triple threat with Orton, HHH and Cena for Night of Champions.
Credit: F4WOnline.com
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